Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am Thankful

While there are far too many things to name, I'll list the biggies and try to thereby encompass the small things too.

Christ's death on the cross for me and for my sins: If I am truly grateful, I won't take this for granted. I recently was told that Christians assume that since it was a free gift (grace, not works) we easily take it for granted, assuming that we can be sinful and it's all been paid for. Lord, help me show you how truly thankful for your gift I am by not taking your death for my sins for granted. And may they know we are Christians by our love.

My family: Jon especially, but then also my family in Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Florida, Israel and California. I love them all and miss being home at this time of year.

A place to stay: you may know that Jon's folks have opened up their house for us to live for a while. But it's not just a's all the accommodations and pure selflessness that has been shown to us. May we be nothing but a blessing to them.

My friends: I have been especially blessed by my friends this week. I love my girls and wouldn't trade the bond I have with them for anything. I love how God loves me by giving me girlfriends.

Our jobs, our income, our health, our pets, our freedom, our church, our gifts...there is just too much, I am overwhelmed with how God shows his love for us!

1 comment:

  1. not to be apathetic in any way, but i echo your words 100%. i couldn't have said it better. thank you, Lord :)

    and thank you again for my dear friend Lindsey Lou. i love her.


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