Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Whirlind Christmas

Our Christmas seemed like a whirlwind and what time of year do more pictures get taken? So as to not overload you, but to just give you a taste, I've posted some highlights of this Jesus Birthday Celebration. Come to think of it, I'm not sure how much Jesus got mentioned, except the three minutes of Bible-reading at church. Anyway, here are the pics that made it...

I made 4 pies: Cherry and Pumpkin
I also made a Baked Brie,
and snowman rolls

On Christmas Eve we had my mom-in-law's fam over for some hot soup,
video games, a little church and one raucous white elephant auction followed by real presents:

Christmas morning was quiet, but God reminded us of his promise and his presence with a beautiful Christmas morning rainbow.

That evening we had The Hornkohl side of the family over and afterwards we all crashed into our beds, bloated and tired, happy and content, blessed and grateful.


  1. I love baked brie like no one's business. Your Jesus-Day looks lovely.

  2. Wow you are even crafty with your baking! I am so impressed! I love those snowman rolls. I might have to try making those sometime. I'm glad you had such a nice Christmas.


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