Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love = Pizza, Shopping, & Art

We spent our Valentine's day...
Exchanging gifts, like all lovers do: I gave Jon a hearty breakfast that included 3 types of pancakes, all in heart shapes, and I bought him some flip flops which I wrapped in this adorable wrapping paper. (More on how I did it in another post).

Then Jon gave me a day trip down to Sunny San Diego where he took me to Seaport Village for the first time. It was charming and delightful, full of sweet little shops and completely unnecessary things for sale. I loved it, the camera did too, but I'll spare you.

And a few weeks ago we saw a quaint little pizzeria on Food Network that we wanted to patronize...so we did. Pretty good, all went down alright, but not any better than Knockout, in my opinion (Jon said the pepperoni was better, though). Bonus: as the guy popped the tops of all the beer he left the lids on the counter...score for a future craft item.

Later we went to Horton Plaza, then my Gallery Award Reception. We saw several of my students there and met up with some friends for an authentic Mexican dinner in old town Vista.

Jon gets the award for this one. Nobody else had a better Valentine's day than me, I know it.


  1. How fun! I love Seaport Village and Horton Plaza! We're pretty lame with valentine's. It sounds like you had a great one!

  2. wow! i really enjoyed your blog! u seem like such a great gal! what wonderful work u do too! linda


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