Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recipe Card Holder and Sewing Lessons

On Tuesdays I have a few hours of waiting around for Bible Study, so Brianna and I started doing a few sewing lessons after school. She's in my Art 2 class and is an amazing artist, she's also becoming a great seamstress! So far we've crafted an adorable headband, a pencil pouch and now we're making an apron.
It was also Elisabeth's pre-birthday, so we grabbed some junk food and celebrated alongside the buttons!
After Sewing Lessons with Brianna I had an hour before I had to be I grabbed a couple of fabric scraps and I made this Recipe Card Holder from Anna Maria Horner, but with a few of my own touches.


  1. I am so jealous that I don't live in Cali by you. I want some sewing lessons. What lucky students you have to have such a great mentor.

  2. You will leave those kids with great memories.

  3. i wish more than anything right now that i could be your student :) i would have you teach me everything you know! that would take the rest of my lifetime...and yours...but i would love that, because it would mean that i would be with you :) i'm going to attempt to make a simple baby quilt sometime this next month...wish me luck!


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