Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Children Around the World Mural-Day 1

As you may know, I started a new mural today at a children's dental office in Vista. The dentist is a sweet Iranian woman who was inspired to have me paint a Children Around the World mural. This was Day 1. I downloaded the new U2 album this morning and listened to it on repeat while I worked (I'm concentrating most of the time, so it takes me that long to really hear it). It's good, I liked it! Anyway, I was there for 6 hours and did mostly boring stuff: the measuring, drawing, taping, more drawing, and finally started a little painting, just so I could see some color go up.
Two little dutch girls. Does she look like me?Also, there's another huge part of this mural, but you'll have to check back later to see how cool it's a surprise!!


  1. Very cute! You are so talented. Hey there! Is that at my Sister's place of employment? Can't wait to see more of your work.

  2. Oh this is so cute! I love her cute little face and pudged up cheeks! How long do you think it will take for you to complete?

    I am so excited about the swap! I hope enough people want to do it!

  3. As cute as the pictures are in and of themselves, they really have that child-like happiness and joy in their faces. You have made it pop.

  4. I'm so lucky to be related to you. Nice work, lady!


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