Friday, March 6, 2009

Children Around the World Mural- Day 3

We got a lot of work done today: our Chinese girl, Indian girl (Dr. Houri's favorite Iranian comedian said she wasn't casino Indian but computer that bad?), and the French girl...that's a lot of girls! I was there for 6 hours again. I'm really resenting how long it takes to do people. But these kids are becoming my friends, so that is certainly rewarding.
One major reason there was so much progress today was because of the presence and skill of my "intern," which means cheap labor, Allison. She's my former student and is quite talented, as evidenced by the little Mexican chihuahua, the Chinese panda, and the Indian bird.
Thanks Allison for the help and the company, it's so much better when you're there!


  1. Oh wow-that is so incredibly impressive!!

  2. Loving the progress! They all look so cute!

  3. This is such a cute mural idea! The faces are charming, I love them! You are so super talented-great job!!!

  4. That's awesome! They look fabulous. Great job.


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