Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally, the Mural is Done!

Meet my kids! This is Russia, USA, Mexico, India, Africa, China, France, Holland, and Iran.In the backgrounds are St. Basil's cathedral (did you know those onion domes are called Kokoshnikis?), and of course, the Statue of Liberty and the Golden Gate Bridge...That's Chichen Itza behind little Paco and his Chihuahua...The Taj Majal, and Mt. Kilimanjaro...The Great Wall of China and the Eiffel Tower (do you know who built the Eiffel Tower? I'll send a free gift to whomever posts first...and didn't look it up!)Holland and her Tulip field and windmill...Iran (the owner's daughter here) with Persepolis and Cyrus the Great's Tomb.
This is the other really cool part I told you to expect. This globe houses the x-ray machine, and was the impetus for the whole "Children Around the World" theme.This was the fastest part, the whole thing took us 7 hours. Those little stick kids really crack me up!
I am so glad to be done. This mural took me far too long...48 hours of work ( I estimated around 30), but it was far less than if I hadn't had the assistance of my trusty intern, Allison.

So what do you think?
What would you name them?
Which one is your favorite?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel was the designer. I am not sure if he actually helped build it. ;-)

  3. Lindsey you are so talened. The mural looks fabulous. I hope I will see you and it when I come to visit Valerie in June.

  4. Alright Melody! Did you know that or did you have to look it up? And yes, you will be seeing me for sure. Val mentioned it the other day and I wanted to make sure you were going to come to Bible Study, but we'll have to do something outside of that too!

  5. It all looks so fabulous! Wish my kid's dentist office looked like that!

  6. It looks great! Especially the RUSSIAN GIRL!!!

  7. Oh, I love them! Congratulations on finishing this. love the the xray machine is the globe.

  8. Alright, Mr. Anonymous, the Russian is a BOY!!! His name is Vladimir. I know who you are.

  9. So adorable! I love the Russian and French kiddos the most!

    And LOVE that globe! How fun! It all turned out so great. They must be stoked at the results!

  10. Ahhhh! I can almost feel the pleasure and relief of finally finishing this work.
    And it all turned out soooo beautiful.Such an accomplishment!
    Here! Here!!
    This ones for you kid.

  11. I love love love it! Your talent is amazing. I think little miss Holland is so darling- I guess I'm a little partial to cute little blondies!

  12. Lindsey this looks amazing. What an accomplishment! I think India is my favorite. They are all adorable though! Well done.

  13. wow! gorgeous work, love the mural, it's so full of life. The Frenchy one has to be my favorite!

  14. wow!!! what beautiful children~ your loving hands have created such an amazing mural...i'm in love with 'la petite fille française'..thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind have a wonderful world over here and i look forward to seeing more of the beauty you create! yes, Dionne is absolutely a sweetheart!!!xoxo jo ;)

  15. Thank You Lindsey! I received the beautiful watercolor today. I love it! Is is of a particular area? Hugs, Melody

  16. That looks like our arts club pres....?


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