Friday, April 17, 2009

Day Tripping: Auntie Q Shopping

One of the perks of having a teacher's schedule is the time off. Even better when the husband is a teacher too. This week we were on Spring Break, but we've also been on a Spending Hiatus. So when you've been chillin' all week, you get creative about what to do without spending money and gas.

Enter the day trip to Old Town Temecula where we perused the plethora of antique malls, the House of Jerkey (Jon's Mecca where he sat outside and ate the whole bag, stupefied in a Jerkey coma), the mercantile, boutiques and the gardens.

Mmmmm. Comic books. Look closely and you can see the drool. What grown man (or ungrown, for that matter) wouldn't leave a little cloud of breath as he pressed up to the glass as my man is doing here? None, I believe.
I think I'm falling in love with succulents. These are no exception.

My favorite part of antique stores is the tools. Silverware and lamps are pretty great too, but none of that frilly stuff.

I have some pretty vivid memories about antique shopping with my cousins and our moms. For us it was torture; we had to have hands clasped or behind our backs the whole time! But in my family, they're called Auntie Q's: My mom's little sister called them this, reading the word phonetically as a child. Today, I can enjoy this awesome phenomenon of purchasing people's old stuff, even if I still call them Auntie Q's, but with hands unclasped.


  1. What fun! I'm so glad we have grown into an appreciation for Auntie Q shopping. Wish I could be there with you.


  2. I enjoy buying 'other people old stuff' too, but sometimes a little sad when I find old family pictures or postcards with their beautiful hand writtings...what happened to these lovely people?

  3. I've never been antique shopping before but it looks so FUN! What is that first photo of? It looks like the buttons from an old cash register or something.... I wish I had a teacher's schedule - I could really use a spring break right now :)

  4. that looks like such a fun place!! i'm afraid i would have spent the entire week there, just so i could open every shoe box and touch every vintage button!

    so glad you had a nice spring break!! :)

  5. There are a bunch of cute antique shops near me, nestled in among some really cool eclectic cafes. Perfect, because in between antiquing, there's coffee to be had!

    I usually buy stuff for my art and scrapbooks there, little odds and ends. There are so many little curiosities to be found in antique shops!

  6. Mm, comic books and antiques. Two of my favorite things. :o

  7. I CAN'T. BELIEVE. THIS! I have been hearing and saying "Auntie Q" since I was a kid growing up in West Virginia--and that was long before you were born! My father used to say it, and we got it from him.

    I love, love, love your blog! I found you through the MSCE April list, which I am also on (The Crafty Bag Lady). Reading your posts, it appears I have another kindred spirit out there! God bless you and your very cute hubby! (Don't worry, I've been married for 34 years. ;-} )


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