Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Letterboxing and Bee Stamp Giveaway!

I have just loved reading your responses to my question, "What do you do for free?"

Some of my favorite responses were picnicking, reading library books, kissing, collecting pinecones, and playing board games.

But there was one that I admit, I didn't know what it was, maybe you don't either? So let's get introduced together to the fabulous world of Letterboxing. Tonya from Kotori said she's done this before, so I had to look it up.

From what I understand this is a treasure hunt of sorts, where people leave beautiful boxes in hidden places all across the country. Most of the best locations are found by word of mouth, and when you find one, inside is a stamp, usually handmade, for you to stamp your personal log book. You then use your own stamp to make a mark on the Letterbox's log book and leave it for the next person!
How cool is that?

I've been following Geninne's Art Blog and recently she made a great video of how to carve a stamp. She's got hundreds of stamps in all shapes and sizes. Personally, I like the birds and succulents the best.So the other day, I tried my hand at making one, and I do like the feather, but I also made a little honeybee. Go watch Gennine's video, or check out her tutorial, or read up on Letterboxing.

Do one of these and leave me a comment and I'll enter you in my BEE STAMP GIVEAWAY! Maybe you can use it to start your own Letterbox. If you don't win, you can always make your own Letterbox stamp and get started that way.

Edit: you can also check out Lori's tutorial from Elvie Studio on stamp carving; she also loved Geninne's video and was inspired to do some of her own.

Comments close Friday, May 22 at midnight. I'll do a random drawing and try my best to get it in the mail by Saturday.


  1. Great Post!! As you can see where I live (Larimer County Colorado) we have a lot...my human mom loves to take me on these adventures and leave our stamp!
    Tail Wags to All.

  2. What a fabulous idea!! Another creative thing in making something a little more meaningful.

  3. Oooh how fun. Sounds a little like Geocaching but waaaay cooler! I love that idea! And I love making stamps too, but I always manage to cut myself! Grrrr.

  4. your stamps look awesome! i follow geninne's blog, too...i just love her work and she got me hooked on carving! it's popular these days...i've got some carving info on my blog today, too...and geninne's video is the best!

    congratulations on your graduation!! WOO HOO! :)

  5. I've heard about letterboxing and can't wait to try it! I love treasure hunts!

  6. That sounds like a lot of fun.
    Great idea to use it for your personal wrapping paper as well.

  7. i've never heard of that, but it sounds fun, and i like your honey bee the best. It looked hard to make though.

  8. hi lindsey...i just saw the comment you left for me...i added your giveaway info to my blog! great idea! :)

  9. So fun! What a great stamp... and perfect for letterboxing.... the best part is that you can go letterboxing in the city or out in nature (there are thousands of them!). We've even gone letterboxing when we've gone on trips since it's all over - just look up the city you're visiting on letterboxing.org

  10. I follow Gennine's blog already and I love her succulent stamp. I've never heard of letterboxing but will go find out more now. Thanks.

  11. This sounds such a beautiful way of sharing each other adventure's, so beautiful. Love your stamps, you are really talented.
    For free I like to dance in the puddles on the street with my children, while it is raining warm summer rain.
    Sending you a BIG SMILE!


  12. Wow Lindsey! You have some great ideas for family fun. I am thinking I may have to carve myself a stamp and start letter boxing. Thanks!

    Do what you love,

  13. i've carved stamps like those with my fabulous creative mom. love the idea linds.

  14. I'm a fan of Geninne's and Elvie Studio too! I'm so intrigued by the whole stamp making process- I'm guessing that it takes practice to get good! I might have to try it one of these days.

  15. oh... the bee is cute, but i just adore the simplicity of the feather.

    stamp making will be added to my "to do" list.

  16. I love her art blog. I too am wanting to make some stamps. Yours is amazing! I really want that bee.

    And p.s. I did get your lovely tea cup, and its my favorite. I sent you a comment on facebook about it, and also telling you I AM SENDING YOU A HEADBAND I PROMISE. I am the worst I am sorry. I have been sooo busy, but next week I promise. I already have an awesome zipper one that I want to make for you!

    oh and pick me...
    i want the bee!

  17. Oh how cute and creative!
    These look great!



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