Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Citrus Salad

I haven't been blogging these last couple of days because I've been doing this:I took this photo on Christmas Day of my Aunt Laurel's lovely citrus salad 6 years ago. It's taken me a while, but it's always stuck with me. I'll post it again when it's finished.

I grew up watching my mom paint at the kitchen table. There is no better education.

When was the last time you painted in watercolor? Was it kindergarten with a crayola set? If you've never tried, explain yourself! If you've tried and you hate it, I understand. So when you do paint, do you use acrylic, oil, pastels? What is your art medium of choice?

Also, did you notice the new banner? Aunt Laurel's kiddo, Cecily, is just fabulous, an unending fount of creative blessing.


  1. acrylic


  2. Yum, Lindsey, looks good enough to eat! I agree Cecily is pretty fabulous--you both are! Aunt Laurel

  3. i LOVE the new banner!! and i LOVE watercolors... i had always painted in oils, until i was invited to join a watercolor painting club...and then i was hooked!

  4. Oooh I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

    I haven't painted since college, but when I did, I was torn. I loved the textures I could achieve with oils, but hated the smell and clean up. I liked the effect of watercolor, but not how I had to wait for the bottom to dry before I could add another layer. So for ease - i think i prefer acrylic, but for looks - oil and watercolor.

  5. Oh an the new banner is so cute!

  6. you're sweet, linds. so glad you like it.

    and SO glad you're painting that salad. it's beautiful; i love the colors. too bad i missed that christmas...i think i was in moab for that one. darn!

  7. oh yeah...and I haven't used watercolors in ages! I think I need a lesson. hmmmm...know any great art teachers willing to travel to portland?

  8. the banner is truly wonderful!! and, so is your salad watercolor!

    i'm hooked on mixed media which includes torn paper, acrylics, stamping, pastels, charcoal and oil pastels all in one piece. did i mentiont he word addicted? smile!

    and finally, i received the two adorable little bowls i purchased from you and it was love at first sight!! perfection!!

  9. such a pretty painting! :)
    and love the new banner!

  10. Hi Lindsey, I just want to say a big thank you for your sweet comment!
    Thanks for follow my blog!

    Congrats for the new banner, I really like it!

    Have a wonderful day darling!

  11. lovely! and shoot, six years? better late than never, i always say :)

    i love painting but never got too into it -- it's an overwhelming hobby to me. i prefer to enjoy the work of others such as yourself!

  12. I wish I could paint or draw or wathever...I think you're very talented and lucky!

  13. I love your new banner. Beautiful!
    Thank you for sending me a comment.
    My swap parter(Dionne's summer swap), Jon sent me a book of watercolor. I wish I could paint. As of now, I'd rather enjoy visitng many artists in the blogs. I love to visit you of course. By the way, do I have to be careful in choice of words painting, drawing and illustrating?

  14. Misspelling! My swap partner is Jo. Sorry for both of Jo and Jon:)

  15. Oh wow I so love this and i'm not 100% specifically sure why by it is loved


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