Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just Call Me "The Coolness," as I Play My Mini Harmonica

How does a teacher go from having kids draw mean pictures about her to being dubbed "The Coolness" in one week?Full time subbing for our other art teacher and PE teacher:

Day 1. Mean pictures. Stabbed a PE boy in the eye with fingernails and drew blood. Went home annoyed with everyone. Cut my fingernails.
Day 2. Fire Drill. Played my mini harmonica to keep them entertained.
Day 3. Absolutely couldn't wake up. Almost called in for a sub myself. Why does 5:30 come so early?
Day 5. Ready for a new week, feeling optimistic, totally in love with my junior high boys' PE class. got my new nickname (The Coolness).
Day 6. Blew up at some cheeky HS boy in front of the whole class. Really embarrassed myself. And him, I'm sure.
Day7. LOVE my 7th graders.Somewhere in there I found a bit of time to paint, wrote up an 8th grade boy for breaking into the vending machines, handed out all the art awards at the ceremony, and got the PE class to start calling me coach. Oh, and I'm going to make a bet with them on the last day of class: I buy the snacks at Nutrition Break for the winning team. (Winners = $1, Losers $.50)So in all my busyness, I can't think of inspiration to blog about, other than what a glamorous job we teachers have. So here are a few random pages from an old sketchbook.


  1. hello "the coolness"! love your new name....mind if i add "superhero" to it?!! i totally admire you for taking on middle schoolers! enjoy your summer...hopefully making some more fabulous journal pages like these! :)

  2. I love these sketches!

    Hehehehe about your nicknames, how fickle kids can be! One minute you're their enemy, the next you're their hero.

  3. I love your sketches. Eeekkk...middle schoolers...I couldn't handle that.

  4. Hi Lindsay...
    I'd like to draw as you do...I'm really unable to do anything!!!
    thanks for your comment on my photo...I edit them a bit with photoshop: light and contrast nothing more. I use also picnic do you know it?

  5. Hey 'The Coolness'...did you get my e-mail?

    Love you.

  6. Just found your blog and wanted to stop by to say HI!

  7. Teaching seems to need lots of patience. But as far as I read your post, you sound you're enjoying working with your students. I liked the story.

  8. Love these!
    "The coolness" sounds great!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. oh my! i'm about to start getting my teaching credentials but for elementary school.

  10. Hey,
    Thx for stopping by to say hello! I'm diggin' your art work, and thrilled to meet you next week! :)


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