Tuesday, June 16, 2009

SoCal Blogger's Lunch

They're all real! And they're NOT 40 year old men posing as cute young thangs either.
Here are the results of City of Dionne's fabulous SoCal Blogger's Lunch:

This is what happens when 6 adorable girls get together for the first time:
And here's what happens when their men do:
Notice a difference?

Evan sat in the mush pot asking us all what on earth could we blog about. Danni's man Nick impressed us right off the bat by telling us he is designs the environments for video games; they met at the Art Institute, and they dressed like it. Maggi the writer won the door prize. I fell in love with the photographer Bethany. Andrew insisted he didn't have an Australian accent. Eric told stories about his passive aggressive wifely roommate. There was talk of the Bible and how/if to include such topics on our blogs. Sabrina smiled the whole time as I'm sure she composed a very poignant summary of the day's events. Dionne was the perfect host with all kinds of goodies (I'll post later about the gift bags she sent us home with...all donated items from Etsy!). Lots of laughter and discussion about art, inspiration, social networking, and whether or not blogging is nerdy, and I would say it was a good day.And here's one of the best parts. The next morning, husband and I woke up with nothing to do (ah, the life of a teacher) so he announced he too would be starting a blog. Here's what he came up with: Circumstances for Clapping Hands (I particularly like the name). It's about his attempt to find joy in every day; every circumstance is an opportunity to give back praise. Check it out, become a follower, leave a comment for the rookie...it will encourage him, I'm sure!


  1. YAY! I was so excited about meeting you. The Lunch was a positively lovely thing and I am still so happy about it!

    And Danni won the door prize, I won the door prize part 2. ;-) Hee hee.

    My post about Sunday will come tomorrow. I'm going to go jump over and look at your hubby's blog. :-)

    The word verification is "pronun". HA! I'm Pro Nun.

  2. What a lovely day you had! I wish I was there with all of you talking about our life, my boyfriend, where we met, why I'm blogging...
    maybe one day it will happen!

  3. What fun... so wish I lived nearby just so I could join you. What a fun group!

  4. So cute that he started a blog.. totally supporting that! And so jealous I am not closer in location... wouldve loved to attend the meetup!

  5. You all look so happy!
    This is really really something!
    Lindsey, thank you for sharing this.

  6. fun!!! i wish i could have been there!

  7. looks like fun! i'm headed over for some hand clapping!!

  8. I loved meeting you all - I was soooo worried, but it sounds like everyone had a good time! Yay!

  9. How FUN! Sounds like you had a wonderful time together.Oh, and by the way, I visited your husband's new blog site and absolutely love it! His style is so wonderfully deep and thought-provoking.

  10. sounds like a fun get-together! all the talk about art makes me a tad bit of envious that i missed it. hee hee

  11. What a fun group of ladies! I love the photo with the women and then the one of the men. Classic!


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