I think Julie really got into it with her colorful, fruit-salady answer: "i think i'd like to be a banana-shaped fruit that is actually a fruit salad inside. i would have layers or sections of red raspberries, kiwi, strawberries, super ripe nectarine and banana all in one biodegradable "green" lining. i would be very popular and craved around the world. my mission would be to make people smile and remember that the simple things in life truly are the best!" I can just picture it...make a drawing, perhaps?
And Rachel's made me giggle a little inside: "a MANGO shaped like a mustache! you could eat all the sides first instead of having that gosh darn annoying weird textured not-quite-fuzzy seed all flat-ish and right in the middle so its hard to cut a regular mango. that would be cool to paint a picture of it...i will call it.... mango+stache-o= mangstache? or mango+stache-go= MANSTACHE!" Well, whatever you call it Rachel, I'm sure you could make millions at a kissing booth...my only question is, does it grow back once it's been eaten?
Hahahaha about the mango moustache. That would make a cool summer treat on a stick. I want one!
You hair looks amazing.
love this picture! and i second the other comment...your hair looks amazing!
I third it! Your hair looks amazing...well worth the lippy kiss!
This picture is hilarious... love it! I agree with Shelley, you're hair looks amazing!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! The Workroom is definitely amazing; maybe you could petition them to open up a new one in you city :D
You guys are too kind! Thanks for all your sweet words. Believe it or not, my hair is already growing out...it never looks the same from one week to the next.
I love this picture!!!
So cute.
A happy couple!
thanks for the shout out! i'm soooo behind on my blog reading! i featured the little felt bowl i bought from you in my blog today! sharing the love!
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