Friday, July 24, 2009

Square Watermelons

Those crazy Japanese have done it again. Farmers have learned that by forcing a watermelon to grow in a square box...well, the watermelon comes out square!

Imagine how much fridge space this saves, rather than sitting awkwardly on the shelf for just a few hours, you can now pay $82 to ensure stackability.

I wonder what will happen when those same trickster farmers get their hands on a banana...

Here's a game:
If you were a funny shaped fruit, what would you be, and why?
Best answers will be posted on Monday!

Happy weekend, friend!


  1. seriously?! $82??!! that's just whack! i'll take a good old-fashioned watermelon any day. my son has 4 hills of different watermelon varieties growing in his garden this year. i'm looking forward to enjoying some of it soon.

    hmmmmm . . . i think i'd like to be a banana-shaped fruit that is actually a fruit salad inside. i would have layers or sections of red raspberries, kiwi, strawberries, super ripe nectarine and banana all in one biodegradable "green" lining. i would be very popular and craved around the world. my mission would be to make people smile and remember that the simple things in life truly are the best!

    still enjoying your new blog!!

  2. I think that's just genius. Not $82 worth of genius, but I am all the time thinking that watermelons would be so much easier to cut if they weren't so round. Now they need to invent square pineapples because I always feel like I'm wasting so much of the fruit trying to cut all that prickly skin off.

  3. Forget about the price...the idea & concept is brilliant! Lovely & juicy weekend dear!!!

  4. It must be fun for some people but it surely be not so fun for those who are conservative about food shape. I take a slice of round watermelon for sure.It looks more delicious though there isn't statistically any difference.

  5. square watermelon....what a genius idea! leave it to the japanese...along with that crazy genius price of $82! :)

  6. i can't help but think they look so cute!

    and i'd like to think i'd be a pineapple. wacky on the outside. sweet on the inside!

  7. What the heck?!!! These sure do look cute, but for $82, i think i'll pass - dang!!!!

  8. WHAT!
    only japenese could do a square water melon! 82$? NO WAY!!!!

    I'd like to be a strawberry! but I don't know why!

  9. OMG those are so crazy. i agree with others though... not so amazing i'd spend the money, but more that it makes me curious about how many other things you can force into a box while it's growing.

  10. Those Japanese people think of everything, don't they? Have you ever watched "I survived a Japanese Gameshow"? It is seriously one of the best shows of the summer. Love it!


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