Monday, July 13, 2009

Sweet Korean Pancakes from a Sweet Korean

Image here

When a foreign exchange student comes to visit, one thing they do is go by an Americanized version of their name. This past year I had an AMAZING girl who went by Katie; she was quiet but always smiling, had a great sense of humor, and was an incredible artist. It wasn't until the end of the year that we got any personal info out of Katie, and come to find out she was only a 10th grader who was graduating this year.Another thing she told us was her real name, Eun-Ji. That's so much more original than we got to call her this for the last week of school.

One day we asked Eun-Ji what her favorite Korean food was and she had a hard time explaining to us what Korean Pancakes were, so the next time she went to the Korean market, she brought some back for the class. She wasn't too pleased with the authenticity of them, so at our end-of-the-year party she made some from scratch and let me tell you...

They were to DIE for! So I thought I'd share this little recipe, in her own words, all the way from the bottom of Eun-Ji's heart.

Sweet Korean Pancakes

Flour- 100g
Glutinous Rice Flour- 60g (from the Korean market)
Yeast- 1/2 teaspoon
Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
Warm water- 1/2 cup
Green Tea Powder - 1 teaspoon
Vegetable Oil

For the sauce:
Brown Sugar- 3 teaspoons
Cinnamon- 1/2 teaspoon
Chopped walnut and peanut

Soak yeast in bowl with the warm water for about 5 minutes. Add flour and glutinous rice flour. Add warm water if needed and mix so it is thick. Cover bowl and let ferment for 30-60 minutes. In a separate bowl mix sugar, cinnamon, and nuts for the sauce; set aside.

In your hands, widen the dough with your hands and put a spoonful of sauce on it. Seal the dough. Repeat it for the rest of the dough, making sure there are no holes for the sauce to escape. Fry in oil on low heat, turning like a regular pancake.Also visit this site for more explanation.

I mentioned that Eun-Ji is a great artist, well check out this, one of her last projects: it's a little picture book of a group of little sheep who get creative in how to escape the clutches of imminent danger....all those wolves had to eat was a measley sunflower as the herd spent the night stargazing. Thanks, Katie! Miss you!

Also, be sure to check our student blog, the Drying Rack, for more amazing art from my class. We're building it slowly, but the art is sure to impress.

And let me know if any of you try this!


  1. Korean Pancakes are AWESOME! Brian's mum makes them, but I have never known what she put in it - but now I do - thanks!

    I should surprise B one night with these when he gets home from work. Yummo!

  2. Those look and sound yum-o! loving the artwork too! ;o)

  3. Never heard of Korean pancakes, but they sound delicious. I think I'll need to give these a whirl...

  4. Looks amazing (the pancakes and the art!)

  5. Oh my, those pancakes look delicious.
    Love looking at the class work,
    keep us updated!

  6. what a great experience getting to know someone from korea! those pancakes look fantastic...of course, i could eat that sauce completely gone before the pancakes were ready to be put on the plate! :)

  7. Those pancakes look delish! Will have to try them sometime.

  8. One of my room mates in the school town houses was a Korean. Everyone called her Joan though her real name was Kim. I just wonder how she is doing now. Kim also once cooked her pancakes for her roommates. Thank for sharing this topic. You gave me a chance to think of my ex-roommate again.

  9. I have always wondered why they use an Americanized name. I think their actual names are so much more beautiful (and original). But I imagine for a teenager it is more fun to have a new name for a little while.


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