Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Life at the Farm, Take 2

Photographer, I am not.

Watercolorist, I am.Often I take photos to use as references later. I love to have a watercolor record of my visit to special places like Wheeler Farm in Murray, Utah.

My husband's favorite thing in my Esty shop are my little watercolor postcards...remembrances from days like these.Which would you like to see as a watercolor postcard in my shop on Etsy?


  1. I love the wheel shot! That would make a great watercolor!

  2. I'd like a postcard with the gooses ...I love them !

  3. I'm voting for that first one although they'd all be so pretty... I debated between that one and the window...

  4. im not so sure youre not a photographer these have really good composition!


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