Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sending Sunshine

Things have been crazy busy around here: we are doing our 27 hours of adoption classes, I'm mentoring a high school girl, leading a small group, teaching at a Spiritual Day Spa on Saturday, scrambling to get our house together to get our Foster license, and working full-time, plus what I consider the part time doings of being an artist. 

Do you ever feel like the things you do to keep sane get put on the back burner just so you can survive?  I know I'm not alone in this.  And while I don't want to wish my life away, I'm looking forward to summer.  So since there's been little time to do any new paintings, I've stocked the Etsy shop with these great new postcards which I ordered from

They're glossy, printed on sustainably sourced paper, and they are 100% guaranteed to give a TKO to any bout of winter blues you may be feeling.  And what ever happened to mail?  It's a dying art form, I tell you.  The girls from the Valentine Swap through the Stationery Place had something to say about it, and the ladies over at The Benevolent Postcard Society are a small militia against the virtual epidemic of anti-handwriting.  When was the last time you put a postage stamp on something other than a bill?

If you are anywhere as busy as I, or have any form of email-overindulgence guilt, try sending a postcard next time. One or two sentences does the trick, and I promise, it's like sending sunshine.  Try it!  In the meantime, drool over all the new postcards I've posted for sale in the shop.


  1. I really love this post and I loved the other one with the owls I told everyone about them. :)

  2. Dang, you're one busy chickadee!

    I love the postcards - how cute!

    I love letters, too. I have a few friends back in Oz that I write to often. I would say we've exchanged at least 200 letters - we love to write! I also write to my Nonna (Italian for Grandma) often, since she isn't internet savvy. There's something so uplifting and special about snail mail!

  3. This is such an AWESOME post. It's filled with such fun and whimsy and the color is just joyful! Thanks for stopping by to visit and boy did you make me laugh and laugh and laugh some more. NO! Lindsey you can not sit in the pew with me!! We would get into touch for not sing the song all the way through for the umpteenth time! he he he he he he!
    Hugs to you girly
    and Lettuce Pray

  4. I'm lovin your artwork! And you amaze me that, with your very busy schedule, you find time to make such amazing pieces. I need to get in gear. Great blog

  5. I really need to get in the habit of sending more snail mail - even postcards - more often. I love receiving them in the mail and I know I'm not alone!

  6. Linds - where do you find the time? I can't believe how beautiful those postcards are. So wonderful and inspirationally colorful too.


Sparkly, sun-shiny comments go here; downers need not apply.