Friday, July 15, 2011

Pinocchio's Chair

A few months ago I happened upon an estate sale after a run at the beach.  It was a serendipitous stop because I found this adorable chair for about $7.  I knew I wanted to repaint it, but haven't until now.

I have so many little furniture pieces, frames, paintings, and projects just waiting to be brought to life, but sometimes it takes a while.  I keep meaning to repaint a vintage folding chairs and table set, and even have the outdoor fabric to reupholster the seats.  Maybe before summer's end...

Jon was out the other night and I just got the bug to finish this chair.  It had been staring defiantly at me from the corner of our room for some time and I finally got the hutzpah to give it what for.

If you could snap your fingers right now, what project would you love to have finished?


  1. Girl this is WONDERFUL!! OH my goodness how adorable!!! I love this stuff. Taking something old and ready to be trashed and turning it into a masterpiece! How awesome. Love that blue color. Great job.
    Thanks so much for stopping by.

  2. Oh how cute! I love the beachy colors!

  3. Oh new curtains. Something lovely to behold. But it is not in the cards right now.


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