Monday, April 6, 2009

The Fruits of Her Springtimey Labor

Thanks to Dionne, I got to participate in the most fun springtime event since those childhood Easter egg hunts. Stacey, of blueSPARROW was my swap partner, and boy did she impress! My new friend blessed my mailbox, my little head, my love of tea, and my creativity by sending me some of her favorite things:
1. Amy Butler journal 2. Precious (so cute that I almost took it to bed with me) teacup and saucer 3. Herbal Tea 4. perfectly springtimey Yellow Bird Dish 5. one of her very own creations, the Osprey Headband from her Etsy shop.

Thank you Stacey, I felt so loved, so inspired, so excited to receive your package. The best part was making a new friend in you. And thank you Dionne, this was the best idea and I can't wait until the next one!

I love to get things in the mail, as I know Dionne does too. What is the coolest thing you've ever received in your mailbox? Was it flowers, a package, a present, or something even more unique?


Stacey Sargent said...

Oh I am sooo glad you like everything! I stole this picture because mine sucked compared to the ones you took! I can't wait to open my box and put them on my blog tomorrow! xo

Gracie said...

Thank you for the congrats! =) I'm really excited about the planning so I'm sure to have it on my blog over the next few months.
Wow! That's an amazing package you received. I adore getting mail. I think my favourite is getting unexpected mail. I love to open my mailbox or see a package by the door. It makes me definitely jump for joy!

Maki said...

Awww it looks like you had a wonderful spring swap. Wait, I'm in it too. I can't wait for my box to arrive too!!! Congrats and stay in touch:)

A Lady's Life said...

So nice to be so creative. The cups is beautiful as is the duck.

Dionne said...

What a lovely swap! Stacey did a great job! I am glad you guys participated!

There are soooo many things that I have loved getting from the mail. One of them was back when I used to live in Australia. I LOVED Hershey's Kisses back them (they didn't have them back home), and so four times a year, my aunt would send me a few packs of them, along with Tiger Beat magazine. I remember getting so excited. All the girls in my class would wait with me, all anxious for the latest heart-throb posters!

Dionne said...

One other thing, your links to Stacey's blog aren't working, I see why - the link has your blog address and hers in it as one long web address. Just thought I would let you know.

Lindsey said...

Thanks Dionne. I think I fixed it!

Lynne said...

What a great swap gift to win! Sadly, I don't get much mail unless I've paid for it - why I spend too much time on Etsy I suppose!

Anonymous said...

What fun! Dionne's swap sounded so lovely. :)

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, that is the cutest little package of items! I just love it.