Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Trusty 1940's Featherweight

Over the weekend I accompanied my mom-in-law to her friend Mary's house for a two day sewing and quilting hibernation. There were five of us, three of whom were working on our oh-sew-cute Singer Featherweights. I thought I'd share this enviable machine that I got for my birthday 5 years ago.
I also thought I'd throw up a photo of the felted strawberry cover I made for my measuring tape. I needle felted, then wet felted the red wool, 2 pieces, then stitched them together leaving an opening for the tape. Easy as pie!Oh, and this is Mowgli. I picked him out of the litter because the first thing he did was play with my paints and lay right on my palette. He eats the thread from my machine and then runs downstairs leaving a perfect trail to direct me to the culprit. Either that or he lays behind the machine when I'm sewing and tries to catch the needle that goes up and down, up and down. This cat has dangerous hobbies.


  1. How nice that you have a hobby in common with your MIL. Love your strawberry tape measure cover. Very cute. I hope to get a Featherweight someday. BTW, I am Valerie's sister.

  2. That is an adorable sewing machine! You are inspiring me to break out my sewing machine and try something. In the past it hasn't seemed to like me very much and always jams up. I guess I should give it another chance.

  3. That has to be the COOLEST cat in the world!!! His dad must be soooo proud!



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