Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Puppy, a Park, and a Purse

This is the cutest and best puppy you'll ever have the occasion to meet. This is Lilly. I posted Mowgli already, and by request of my dad, here's Lilly. She is my best girl and while she does have a sweater on, I must defend her: I promise it is only for warmth in our freezing house.
Lilly and I go on walks to the drought-resistant garden every day. She loves it and so do I. We walk through the garden down to the dock where we either bird/duck watch, or I do my Bible study, or we sometimes just bask in the sun. Today I found another old bag I made and brought it along for a photo shoot. It came from this magazine, but I don't know which's all packed up right now. Maybe later I'll make an edit and let you know.
It was gray and stormy today, but had some sunny spots. Lilly took this one of me, and I think she did pretty good for having no thumbs! See her over there on the left?

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