Saturday, March 14, 2009

Firecracker Cornbread; Watermelon Bowl

I am so head over heels for this simple recipe from 101cookbooks called Firecracker Cornbread. Heidi calls for red pepper flakes to be baked into the bottom of the loaf, but I never have those. What I do have is just as well, and man this stuff has bite! You also use fresh or frozen corn to make it different than the rest, and just a bit heartier. I can't get enough of it.

...And no, that won't fit in this...I've also been itching to make something new with my felted wool trickery, so I opted for a little bowl. My cute husband just saws logs all night long and I keep losing my earplugs as they swim around in my night stand drawer. This tiny bowl does just the trick! I listed it on Etsy just in case someone else likes it as much as I do. (Edit: just hours after posting Peridot Design purchased it! So I've made another and reposted it for sale.) I also felted 3 other new pouches/purses, but I have yet to post them. Be sure to check out the shop regularly for updates.


  1. The bread looks yummy. The little bowl is too sweet. I love pink and green.

  2. All good visiting your blog Lindsey!

  3. Oh that looks delicious. And I so would have the corn in it too, corn makes everything even better!

    That little felt bowl is the cutest!

  4. That looks so yummy! And the little felted bowl is adorable. I found your blog via Dionnes' blog...she has such fun friends!

    Just wanted to drop by and say hello!

    :) Pamela


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