Monday, March 16, 2009

New Student Art Blog and Giveaway

I am going to start a new Student Art blog and need ideas for a name! Submit your ideas by Friday March 20 and enter for my first giveaway! Just comment to this post with your idea (I'm open to anything, this is my advanced High School Art 2 & 3 class in which we draw, paint, do art history...the whole shebang).

(photos: Sketching Room at the Getty, Erin's colored pencil Flower, Brianna's graphite Johnny Depp).


  1. Your students do great work, dang!

    Hmmmm.... a name for a high school student art blog...

    - The Art Break
    - ARTicles
    - The Art Files

  2. "Tuscernini Fatcats"

    claims the "Ol' Wise Sage"

  3. SABbath! (S.tudent A.rt B.log is what SAB will stand for)

    And sabbath is intended to rest and be intentional about create space to be with God and focus on him. Art can be restful or a reflection of the talent God gave you!

    Sorry...spiritual answer! ha ha ha


  4. That is an amazing sketch of Johnny Depp. What talent you are teaching.

  5. Hello love! Your comment made me are just too nice! But thank you thank you for brightening up my day! I am beyond thrilled to be paired up with you for the swap....I'm pondering about what to name your art blog (I will get back to you on that) and ideas for your cute short hair (I personally think you could still rock any headband with your short hair--it would make them even cuter) and I love you and your style and you are an AMAZING artist! I wish I could paint and draw and sketch! You rock at it...Its late and Im loopy (spelling??) so I will be emailing you more tomorrow (as if this comment isn't long enough).



  6. just discovered your blog--thought you might enjoy mine as well! (btw, i like the art files name.)

  7. Peeping Tom? Totally creepy especially seeing how it was your neighbor. Let's hope he has moved since.

    I heard this guy turned himself in. Apparently he was the main guy in the theft of that cyclist who had $200,000 worth of stuff stolen. Ugh.

  8. dustin and the girls

  9. Audeamus ("let us dare")
    Ars artis gratia ("art for art's sake")

  10. Paint Splatters,
    Living Palettes,
    Artists Proof,
    Spectrum by Shade,
    Chroma in Unity?
    Sometimes we have paint without definition,
    and other times we have moments without a breath.
    Our class is something very special.
    But I dare say that I cannot think of any words that would best fit my fellow students.
    All I can do is throw out random words……

  11. the clams color
    the swanky sketchers
    tortures of Mrs. Hornkohl
    the laughing gnomes
    -you know who this is

  12. Hey, Nancy, Christy, and somebody (I think Johnnila)all wrote something while I was still thinking up mine!Helllooo!
    Well let's about 'En tu Arte' HaHaHa!

  13. I vote the laughing gnomes

  14. You guys are great! But you have to leave your names so I know who you are!!!

  15. hi...
    BEAutiful Minds

  16. artsie fartsies!
    we fart art!

  17. Another thought:

    Musings of Starving Students

    or something to do with The Muses/Inspiration, etc. :]

    (p.s. I need to bring my grade up to an A, *wink*)

  18. Nice Jamie, that's really great.
    Remembered this awesome quote:
    "Life is not measured by the breaths we take
    but by the moments that take our breath away."
    Thought it might give inspiration to anyone having a hard time with thier creative side.

  19. The "Itty Bitty Art Committee" :] orrrr...uhhh..."Da Vinci Nine Point Oh" haha that was good. Lets see... what else "The Dirty Palettes" haha. Or branching off the last one it could be "The Naughty Palettes" lol jk. BTW so far my vote goes to Jamie lol "We Fart Art". I laughed a very long time after reading that one. I know I can think of more though. Hmmm, "That One Art Class", or "7th period Fever", alright that ones just stupid, but I'll leave it up so you can get a good giggle out of it. "Wenis of Villendorf flies South for the Winter". WOW that was random, then again, it is coming from me. "Artibiotics", oh gosh I need to go to bed, they're just getting stranger and stranger. Alright I'll sleep on it and let you know if I think of any better ones tomorrow.

  20. I don't think i can come up with much better than what's already here...

    The Art Attack?

    I really like your blog by the way. fun stuff! Thanks for stopping by mine and your nice comments on my robot watercolors. I left you an answer to the paper question you had, over there.

    Nice to meet you!
    (aka Dot)

  21. Lindsey, Lindsey - check me out!

  22. Oh man! It didn't?

    OK, try copying and pasting this directly into your browser.

  23. The Starving Artists


  24. Happy accidents of 7th period :)

  25. brush buddies or palett pals...

  26. -The victims
    -Color composers

  27. flower over the arts

  28. the laughing knomes...of art

  29. I really wanted to leave a witty name - and I have none! :) Maybe - "From Pallet to Screen" ?

  30. In Living Color.

    Just a little throwback. :) Love you, hope you're doing well!!!

  31. I think I like that "In Living Color" one! man I don't think I have a name though... I'm not that clever! besides I think you should do something that involves your students. like an inside joke or something :)

  32. How about "Better than Wood Shop".
    That's about what my H.S. buddies would say.

    Or, since your students are as yet unknowns, The Future of Art.


Sparkly, sun-shiny comments go here; downers need not apply.