Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day, Birthday

(The bees were out buzzin' today.)
Happy Earth Day! To celebrate, I started with a walk in the neighborhood's Drought Resistance Demo Garden, and this weekend I am participating, once again, in the Oceanside Creek to Coast Cleanup.

Our watersheds that begin miles inland have a lot to do with the cleanliness and health of our beaches. The fact that many of them are paved and redirected to allow for development means that our beaches are losing sand. To deflect the loss we pay thousands of dollars to dredge the sea floor to bring sand back up to the beaches, partly for enjoyment and partly so all those million dollar homes I wish I lived in don't get washed out to sea.
Another great postcard from my Etsy shop

What does the clean up have to do with this, you ask? Well, it doesn't other than the watersheds and lagoons act as natural trash traps so our castoffs don't mingle with the surfers, but someone's got to pick it up!

So I will don my orange vest and safety gloves and earn myself a free t-shirt as I beautify the coastline that I love so much.

Also, the day is shared by the husband's very own birthday! We're celebrating him with a super thrifty trip to TJ Maxx for some beach shorts (Miss Aimee will be so proud) and we'll have a picnic at the park tonight after it cools off a bit.

So tell me, why do you love the Earth? Read my "about me" for my reasons, then tell me yours!


  1. Happy Earth day and a very Happy Birthday to your husband!!

    I love the beauty or our earth that surrounds us. Happy to know others feel the same to try and preserve what we have and hold onto today for tomorrow.

    Enjoy the bday cake!!

  2. That's awesome that you are volunteering to do that! Every little bit helps!

    I love Earth because it's a beautiful gift to us from God. Everything in it was created for us, everything tailored to bring us happiness, and God left us in charge of it. We are so blessed.

    Happy Earth Day, and Happy Birthday to the Husbo!

  3. Oh, but Joyce, didn't you know? The husband HATES cake! It's strawberry shortcake for this birthday boy. Thanks, you're sweet.

  4. I'm so impressed with your weekend plans! Wow, that's very inspiring... and Happy Birthday to your husband (I can't believe he doesn't like cake!).

  5. You are so great! Way to get involved.

    Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby!

  6. i love the earth because it provides a perfect backdrop for hikes and picnics and scooter rides! and thanks for the blog hello - you were stacey's partner and i just loved the packages you two sent to each other!

    and i am so glad you are a beardette :) gotta love a man that can grow a nice thick beard.


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