Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feathers All A-Fuzz

Lilly and I took a walk to the neighboring cove this morning and sat on the dock. As soon as we made ourselves at home, a Duck with an attitude came swimming over to us from a good hundred feet away and with a giant, sharp "QUACK," she put us in our place.Spring Duck by Akashapeace
She then ran back over to the dock across the way and out came 7 little ducklings, feathers all a-fuzz, not quite swimming in single file. Mrs. Duck led them all over to us, as if we were on display, showed the kids the funny lady and the furry lap dog. Only 4 made it to us without distraction, the other rebels found a docked boat far more interesting.
Tilly's Journey by AmberAlexander
Mom left the obedient 4 and sweetly called the others and they all made it to the zoo (although Lilly and I weren't behind glass; we could have easily jumped the barrier and made their outing far less fun).One loop around our dock and they were on their way. I think Mrs. Duck was complaining as she left about her old man doing the slalom course out in the middle of the lake with his homies. Don't laugh, I saw them. It was like ducky X-games out there!

Have you been outside yet today? If not, what's your excuse (not sure there's a good one out there)?


  1. I love little ducklets! How cute it must have been to see them all floating along - cuteness!

    I was outside earlier today to pick up some creamer from Target (I can't believe i ran out! I am usually so well-stocked in all my coffee-drinking components!). It's across the street, so I just walked over, it's such a lovely day!

    I love your headband, by the way!

  2. My excuse--work! Aunt Zaurie

  3. great story....i'm still chuckling over the "duck with an attitude" part! love the're as cute as a button, and so is your sweet little lap dog! :)

  4. Feathers all a-fuzz: You have given me a new favorite among your stories.

  5. awww, ducky X-games! too cute!

    love your sunglasses and your adorable puppy!

  6. Ah cute duck.
    Nice picture.
    Yes ....need to go outside.Lots of sweeping to do.
    Spring cleaning. Yuck!

  7. Love that photo of you! Where did you get that cute headband? I love it!

    We have been living outside all week but I am not so sure it has been fun. Weeding the garden with ginormous spiders... eeeck!!! Hey, at least it is not snowing.

  8. Linds, I just got out and trimmed all my clematis vines back because of your inspiration! Jackson sat in the stroller in the sun and watched! Great fun!

  9. thanks thanks thanks for the San Diego tips! They are all on my to do list- lego land, flower fields are amust for photos and mmmmm strawberries! but I need more! There is so much I want to do! Do you know of a good baking store? I am after funky cupcake papers- my hubby is a great pilot (driver!) and will take me anywhere- also a good beach? Do people take babies to the beach? Is it safe? My 1 year old would love the sand but I am not sure about CA beach/baby etiquette! Will the weather be beach weather this weekend? 2 more sleeps and we're there!

  10. A cute post! The day is beginning and the sun is out this morning. I'm doing a few blog visits, and heading out to take a walk. Have a golden weekend!

  11. I don't have an email to reply to on your comments. :) Sorry for the delay, but don't ever worry about a comment you make. While a statistician may want the graph represented a different way, the mathematician in me is fine with this representation. I'll show my data next time. ;) The graph goes from zero at the axis outward. So it works. But, I do understand your idea of "inversely proportional", although that doesn't apply to this situation, since my desire isn't increasing with decrease in proximity. It's more directly proportional, my desire increases as my distance (proximity, in my case I mean close to far) increases. I think "proximity" was confusing in this case. And, probably even more accurate of a graph would have been to do a direct squared. :) OK, now I'm off to catch up on blogs.

  12. After reading about Lilly killing the yarn, I was very thankful to see that the feathers all a-fuzz title wasn't referencing some other mischief that she got into!!!


Sparkly, sun-shiny comments go here; downers need not apply.