Sunday, May 3, 2009

Make Something Cool Everyday

Well, now it's been May for a couple of days, so I'm a bit behind in this here summary. Honestly, my mind is wrapped up in plans for visiting family, graduation (woo hoo! more on that later) and a beach party, the husband trying desperately to buy a used jeep, and as most teachers do (just like every student with "senioritis") I've been looking forward to summer. (Seriously, folks, the tank tops and flip flops are ready to go...not so much the swimsuit, though).

Anyway, last month I signed up for Dabbled's Make Something Cool Everyday, and I wanted to give you some *hopefully* inspiring highlights of my creative endeavors this past month.1.Teacup watercolor card 2.April Fool's day sushi 3.Springtime Frenchy Bag 4.Birdie watercolor 5.Felted "Pumpkin Pie" bowl for my Etsy shop 6."E. Lindsey, Handmade" watercolor 7."Lamb's Ear" felted bowl for my Etsy shop 8.Frenchies for Tiffany and Bethany 9."Blueberry Pie" felted bowl for the shop 10.Silk dyed Easter Eggs 11.Boots + Shells watercolor cards for my shop 12.Succulents watercolor cards also for the shop

What plans do you have for creativity this month? What is one creative thing you want to accomplish in the next few weeks? Tell me about it, then give yourself a deadline to finish it by; you'll feel so good when you get it done! And believe me, the creativity bug is addictive.


  1. You need to check out my latest blog post. I promise you will be in tears from laughing!

  2. Look at all these lovely things you've made! And there's my little birdlet! Did you get my email? I LOVE him and the bowl!! Thanks soooo much!

    I find that a lot of my creativity isn't art or cooking (even though I LOVE that stuff and do it as often as I can) - it's in planning. I love to plan parties and events, and am always concocting up ideas for get-togethers.

  3. good for you for finding creative time every day!! all of your projects look fabulous! :)

  4. Dionne,
    I completely agree about your concept of creativity. I tell my art students this all the time...that they are required to learn art so they can think about things differently, use a different part of their brain, get used to thinking outside of the box, and become creative problem solvers in life.

  5. Oh I LOVE this idea and the title of this post! I absolutely think everyone should try and stretch themselves creatively - as often as you can! For me, my plan is to finish up on a song I'm composing by the next three weeks. I've got most of the piano down for it, but I don't quite have the words yet...

    Thanks for sharing your creative inspirations!

  6. You are one versatile person! I just hopped on over to your etsy shop and hearted it so I wouldn't lose track of you. I especially love your felted work.

  7. Love your watercolors! goal of mine is to get some commissions done that are way soon as we get settled in after our move this weekend!(I'd rather be painting for sure!)


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