Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Beaner!

My little sister is 19 today. The day she was born was one of the most exciting days of my young life and I remember every detail. I was 9.

She was named Bethany, which evolved into Beanie, Bean, Beaner, and Nini. The girls in the family go by their middle names, so when she learned that her first name was Loren and that we all had the same last names, she believed we all had the same first names too...I was Loren Lindsey, the brothers were Loren Nic and Loren Michael, and so on.When she was little she had strawberry blonde hair that curled up above her ears, loved to dress up and sang songs every day for about 5 years straight. Everyone knew she was going to be a performer, but most of us thought she would start by being a character on Barney. So we bought her some saddle oxfords like "Min" wore. But there were bigger fish to fry.
She now plays the Viola on a scholarship at Utah State University and has plans to get her master's in Boston. The girl got all the talent, disproportionately to the 3 other siblings, but she's also got all the niceness and we can't help but love her like crazy.

Here's to you, Bean. Happy birthday, I can't believe you're 19 already!


  1. Awwww - how sweet. What a nice tribute to your sis.

    Your sister and I are the same amount of years apart as my brother and me. He turned 19 this year too, and we are also 9 years apart.

  2. I recognize the first picture, but who IS that in the second picture?

  3. Happy birthday Sis! We are all sisters in this world. lol :)

  4. Oh, love all of her nicknames (and yours. Happy birthday to her! Also, love the package you sent to Dionne--so cute!

  5. Hey, Sissy, the love shines are wonnerful! Remember her first dolls, Annie and Lady, or as she used to say, "Yaydee"...Both my daughters are absolutely amazing! I love you...

  6. aw this is so cute!!! It was so nice of you to contribute a blog to your sisters birthday!!! the pics are funny too :)

  7. I love you my Sissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  8. oh my goodness! is that second pic REALLY of Bethy!? wow. i can't believe she's all grown up. hope she had an awesome birthday!


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