Saturday, August 1, 2009


You know how when you're doing nothing, you have very little motivation to get anything done? This summer the husband and I have not had much to do; teachers with no jobs for the first time sounds great in May, but by the time August has rolled around we are just itching for some sort of obligation. Well I am anyway.

Blogging has not been exempt from my list of neglected responsibilities and unfortunately it's you who have suffered. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I promise I will be back on the wagon soon. Until then, there's not much to do but drink ice cold Sarsaparilla.Am I alone in this? Help me live vicariously through you...what productive things have you been doing this summer?


  1. Yes - I feel like my poor little blog has been somewhat neglected. I'm still posting but all my typing is squeezed in between naps and trips to the pool!

    Oh, and I'm sooo behind in reading blogs too... not that I don't love them, it's just the TIME! Hoping things settle down a bit once school starts!

    Enjoy your last few weeks of freedom!

  2. Since I retired, I wake up with nothing to do and go to bed with half of it done.

  3. aaaamen to that, sister. why is it that when you have nothing important to do, you become lazy and can't get ANYTHING done??? i've been suffering from that all month. BUT i just got a new job, so hopefully I will return to the land of the productive very soon :)

  4. lol oops. i commented earlier on my other blog account, which is where my personal blog is :) THIS is me from the stationery place! we just moved to SLC -- i didn't know you're from here!

  5. When I look back over the summer it's been such a good one, but I really can't think of anything that I've really accomplished. Being with my fam though has been awesome. That's enough.

  6. Ok, seriously. I know of no one else who could make that haircut so damn adorable!!!

    Miss you, cuz,

    P.S. Enjoy your downtime!'re not a human DOING, you're a human BEING! There are lessons to be learned in stillness.

  7. Enjoy the freedom while you have it if money is not a concern right now. Enjoy your husband and the shore. These are the days to be enjoyed, and some day you will wish for idle time! : ) Just don't forget to make lots of great watercolor paintings for us who love to see them posted on your blog. : )

  8. Ah, you're so lucky! I'm very very jealous, I wish I could have summer vacations! I think I would hide under the trees by the pool and read lots of books.


Sparkly, sun-shiny comments go here; downers need not apply.