Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jasmine's Three in Three

If you're looking for a fresh, no nonsense documentary of a good ole Long Beach girl, An Experiment in Poverty will satisfy, hands down. Jasmine is upfront and charming, with a gloves off approach to her online diary, of sorts. Here she makes note of her sweet life in her new house with her awesome stylist of a husband. (Seriously, does it get any better than having your own husbie cut your hair?)music:
1. radiohead - i never ever get sick of listening to radiohead. thom yorke is the most creative musician/person of all time.
2. regina spektor - she's the most fun to sing along to. i am constantly playing begin to hope while cleaning the house. it gets me moving! (Whom she just saw in LA last month)
3. across the universe soundtrack - if i am ever sad or tired, listening to this soundtrack immediately turns my mood around.

1. w. levi myers - my boyfriend! he is soooo full of talent. our walls are filled with his gorgeous work. my favorites always get sold though. :( also, i love his little drawings of me. they make me feel beautiful.
2. marc chagall - he's almost as good as levi. ;) his use of symbolism and color is always meaningful, beautiful, and happy. my goal is to own an original one day.
3. theodor seuss geisel (aka: dr. seuss): his work is so inspiring, creative, and just plain old weird. i want to cover a nursery in his art.

blogs (ohhhh. this is hard, and i hate to choose only 3 for favorites):
1. rockstar diaries- no surprise here! naomi is so joyful, creative, and beautiful. i love following her life!
2. poptart- this is a new favorite. i just love adele. she provides the perfect balance of meaningful and frivolous. her blog is a joy to read.
3. just a small town girl- kathleen is the best, and her writing is funny, touching, and thought-provoking all at the same time.

I've loved reading your Three in Three lists, and if you want in on the fun, let me know what your top three music, art, and blog picks are.


  1. oh yay! this is so sweet! thanks, lindsey! i put a little note about it on my post that is scheduled to go up at 7 in the morning. :)

  2. How awesome that her husbo does her hair! That's the coolest!

  3. Jasmine... Across the universe is an awesome soundtrack!

    Cute post!

  4. good job featuring jasmine!

    and jasmine, thanks so much for including our little blog in your three threes!

    p.s. across the universe soundtrack really is stellar!

  5. Jasmine Rocks!!!

    how are you darling Amica?

  6. where do I send you my three in three?

  7. I had to click over from her blog! I love Jasmine's site, and now I love yours as well!


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