Sunday, September 6, 2009

If You Wear a Hawaiian Shirt, You'll Disappear...

My husband is a precious lamb of Jesus, but when it comes to decorating we couldn't be more different. One of the first arguments we had as a married couple was over his idea of hanging a series of frames and how it conflicted with what I thought was good design. (I lost that one, but was determined to never let him hang frames again.)

So, in our garage sale pursuits this summer, Jon happened upon another purchase...but I'm a little frightened by this one. I don't hate it, but you tell me what you think. I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's a little eerily reminiscent of my childhood in Florida.And do you remember this awesome find?

Keep in mind that all our furniture resides, as we do, temporarily in the in-laws' house, but will soon find it's way back to the coast of San Diego.

I just want to know what a house looks like that is shared by two stubbornly different tastes. Scary.
I'm just learning how to hold my tongue and pick my battles.

Any ideas on how to combine these two pieces in the same room?


  1. I love these seats. Good thing is, if you don't like it, just sit on it more and wear blinkers, lol!

  2. Maybe you could reopolster the part your tush sits on and sow some new pillows to go behind. White & brown would be pretty!

  3. Haha! Very interesting. The first thing that came to mind was a hotel lobby! Knowing you, I'm sure you'll make it look absolutely fabulous!!!

  4. Oh, I agree with the hotel lobby... that was my first thought too! I LOVE that red piece that you found... is he open to having you reupholster it? You could do it yourself...

  5. You guys are funny. I went to Ikea this weekend for the first time and couldn't understand what all the hoopla is about. I didn't see anything I liked.

  6. OH MY GOSH! That is hilarious! It makes me want to get out a ukalale.(sp?) I hear ya. Don't hate it, just not my style, either. But it looks like some great furniture. So, reupholstering it seems like a great idea!

  7. Linds, I say go with the reupholstering. Maybe spray painting the rattan so it fades into the background. And yes, it does remind me of Florida! Aunt Zaurie

  8. Hahahaha, that's funny how you two have such different tastes in furniture. Lucky for me, Brian and I are pretty similar in most of or furniture preferences, and in the cases where we don't agree we have rules as who defers to whom. When it comes to furniture and home decor, Brian will trust my judgement, and when it comes to cars and electrical equipment, I always go with what he thinks is best. It's a nice little system we have.

  9. Just for the record...I LOVE THIS COUCH! It's Fierce. I would gladly have it in my home.

  10. First, what is so bad about your childhood in Florida?????
    second, try to focus on the it possible to find a color that pulls in the cupboard and paint the wicker with a high gloss paint? Remember, you have never hae a problem being bold. This is kind of bold, just needs to be as strong as you!

  11. Remember if you tip-toe and act apologetic with your "designing" it will look apologetic - do it with intent and strength and it is artistic!


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