Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life at the Farm, Take One

Wheeler Farm is a little bit of somethin' special. This corner of yesteryear on ye ole farm was right in our back yard growing up in Murray, UT, and it wasn't until I moved away that I realized just how wonderful it really was. I mean, I always loved it, but last month I revisited this page of nostalgia in my book of memories and fell in love all over again. Come see the Farm with me!Lucy goosey...the farm hosts quite the gaggle and I couldn't get enough.

That's the old farmhouse. How much would you love raising your kids there? We used to come to Easter Egg Hunts on the lawn.

I think I could use one of these planters. That would be so easy to make...all you need is an old ladder, which we have. Can someone say PROJECT?

This was the giantest pig we had ever seen! Oh, and check out the cute sister's cute headband from my shop.

Honestly, blue collar or white, nothin' gets done in Jon's world without a Coke.

I always have conflicting feelings about the zoo, but the farm is nothing like the zoo, although they boast a range of animals and the kiddies love the petting zoo. There's a dance hall, a museum, a real working smithery, and in the fall they give hay rides and have a corn maze.

Ah, be still my beating heart. Wheeler Farm, I love you.

Did you like the zoo as a kid? I could definitely live on a farm if I never had to deal with meat, animal first-aid, or feces; could you see yourself on a farm?


  1. We love Wheeler Farm! As you have seen on my blog. It's way better and prettier now than it was when we were kids. You got some nice pictures!

  2. Oh that planter ladder is so lovely. I want one. Me and B are moving in 2 weeks, and I think that will be a nice little project to undertake in the new place.

    That farm house is utterly adorable. I could live on a farm, but only if it was in close proximity to the city (25 minutes drive max). I am a city girl at heart, but I do love the simple, DIY lifestyle of living on a farm.

  3. Looks like where I grew up Linds. You'd never know that about me, right? Country Girl indeed.

  4. hi darling...how are you?

    It seems you really enjoyed your stay at the farm!
    I love the goose...so funny when they walk and swim all toghether!
    have a nice monday!


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