Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Roasted Corn Pudding in Acorn Squash ala Heidi

In case you haven't heard of her, Heidi Swanson writes the most amazing recipe journal called 101cookbooks.com. I've been a vegetarian since I was 15, and after my parents got over the shock of it, mom still didn't really know how to cook for a vegetarian. Since cooking is creative, I didn't mind improvising, but in the last year, I've seen just how robust a vegetarian diet can be, thanks in part to Heidi.

My fellow vegetarian, Jessie (also a master chef and all around creative guru) turned me on to Heidi's site where she focuses "primarily on natural, whole foods and ingredients - vegetarian recipes that are good for you and for the planet."

Does it get any better than that? Well, it does, actually. Just check out this *lovely* recipe that will make you fall in love with fall all over again.

Roasted Corn Pudding in Acorn Squash

I also LOVE her Firecracker Cornbread for both Summer and Fall.

And her she offers 3 different ways to Toast Pumpkin Seeds...perfect for those left-overs from the Acorn Squash.

Heidi also does the most DELICIOUS Roasted Pumpkin Salad with shallots...it just tastes like Fall.


  1. Did you take these photos yourself? Wow they are amazing and I am starving now!! :)

  2. those recipes look great. I may have to try that cornbread one of these nights. Thanks for this.

  3. Oh wow! This looks divine! And Lindsey, these photos are freakin' awesome! Love it!

  4. i have Heidi's other book, super natural cooking, and i am learning so much about substituting healthier & natural things into recipes. especially sweetners... it's been so helpful! but all of these yummy veggie dishes look scrumptious.


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