Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Blogiversary to Me, Happy Autumn to You

Original post here

Well, friends, it's been a year. Thanks *so much* for sticking by me; I've had some slow times, I've had some days where I truly wanted to post several times a day, but here are some images from the beginning of this blog, a few of them quite appropriate for the Fall feeling I have lately.
Original post here

Are you with me on this love of all things autumnal?
I also happened upon these lovely painted leaves on Geninne's blog and have been inspired to paint my own, but one sad truth of living in parts of Southern California is our decided lack of colorful foliage this time of year. Please, let me live vicariously through you; what colors do you see when you look out your window? I'd love to post some of your word pictures for the rest of us brown-choked folk to get by on.


  1. Autumn is at its peak over here in PA. I live in the country. Across the road is a farm with acres of corn that is drying on the stalks turning a golden tan color. My lawn is still a vibrant green. The apple trees are shedding reddish brown leaves. The Ash trees are just starting to loose yellow gold leaves. The oaks are just showing tinges of red. The cherry is just turning yellow orange. This is my favorite time of year. We may even see a bit of snow flakes soon.

  2. Wishing many more years of blogging. Happy Bloggaversary!

  3. Happy Blogaversary to you! I must agree that fall is my favorite. I went to Park City last week and man oh man, those colors were gorgeous.

    I still think those pumpkins you made are so so cute. I want some if they ever make it to etsy!

  4. Congratulations darling! It's been a while i didn't visited you. Sorry about that!

    One year? how do you feel?

    I'm a summer girl but I'm appreciating Fall...The colors, the weather are fantastic!

    I hope to see you back on my blog !

  5. Happy blogiversary to you!
    Here in the center of Slovenia we're still greenish turning on yellows. But the nights got colder since Sunday and we are expecting reds and browns any day now :)

  6. Happy Blog Birthday! I do so love reading your blog - so glad you've stuck with it!!

  7. This fall has been awesome. I'm really enjoying everything about it. It is such a peaceful rest for the earth, which just had a bounteous and hot growing season. I love seeing the green turn to shades of yellow and red on the mountains. My sweet Ambree appreciated the clouds that had formed in front of the mountains today. She said they looked delicious, like cotton candy and marshmallows.
    Happy bloggaversary... you are so creative and I love seeing all of your work!


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